is all the rage lately, and for good reason! Collectively, we are re-examining what it means to be feminine. What are the barriers that stop us from feeling safe enough to express ourselves? How can we create our own practices to actively step into our feminine energy? What are the ways we can nurture our nervous system to feel more at ease? What does self concept have to do with all of this? We explore all of this and more inside Goddess School. Your own personal guide to assist you in stepping into your beautifully creative and nourishing feminine energy!

Most people describe the feminine with words like nurturing, kindness, softness, and receptivity. But I believe this sacred and eternal energy is really so much more than this – the feminine is also:

  • Sensuality
  • Pleasure
  • Passion
  • Devotion
  • Magic
  • Anger
  • Fearsomness
  • Transformation
  • Chaos
  • Decay and death

Some causes of wounded feminine energy are:

  1. Lack of self-love and self-care
  2. Lack of support and validation from others
  3. Trauma or abuse
  4. Cultural conditioning and societal expectations
  5. Repression of emotions and feelings
  6. Perfectionism and people-pleasing

This can show up as....

Feeling unable to trust your intuition or make decisions from a place of inner knowing

Lack of meaning and purpose in life

Having a strong sense that something is missing and you’re not sure what it is

Often feeling envy or jealousy

Having difficult or complex relationships with other women

Having difficult or complex relationship with your mother

Having a hard time connecting with your emotions and expressing them.

Having little capacity to actually hold your feelings and emotions, often letting them overflow or explode

Feeling disconnected from your body, a lack of somatic experience

A lack of sensory pleasure

Fear and/ or shame around se.xuality

Rejecting any notion of “femininity”

What we cover inside....

1. How to acknowledge and identify your wounds

2. Practice self-care + ritual

4. Cultivate self-compassion & self-validation

5. Seek + allow yourself to be supported

6. Rediscover your femininity + practice shadow work

7. Set boundaries + connect with your dark feminine energy

8. Feminine Company + cultivating feminine connections

9. Learn how to accept love, support and kindness

10. Learn actionable steps on how to let go of toxicity from carrying wounded feminine energy and learn how step into a healthy nurturing relationship with yourself and your feminine energy

All video content is subtitled and

accessible for a lifetime.

Meet your Muse

Hey you! beautiful soul, I am so glad you've found yourself on this frequency. Because you are here, I know that you are creative, passionate and driven and yet somehow, still yearn for a deeper connection with your inner lioness. That part of you who is life giving, sensual and fully expressed! The feminine energy you are craving to experience is already there, omnipresent, just waiting for you to step into! I am passionate about helping women awaken to their creativity and step deeply into their own nourishing feminine energy.

As someone who has experienced trauma, I am deeply aware of how we naturally develop protective mechanisms that keep us apart from our own feminine embodiment. But I know there is deep alchemical transformation that takes place when we intentionally create a space for oursevelves to THRIVE. Despite old patterns, habits or beliefs. There is a middle way through it all, to your own divine expression. This is exactly what we explore within this container. From self concept, to sensual expression...everything you need is within. The keys are in your hands....

I care deeply about your personal success and am here to cheer you on every step of the way toward your own divine feminine retrieval. I cannot wait to journey with you sister, welcome to your catalyst!

Self expression + the frequency of authenticity

We explore the newly research findings of the high frequency of authenticity and how it impacts our lives. We journey together to practice various techniques on accessing our own self expression and step DEEPLY into our own authenticity as a way to quantum leap into our desired reality!

Become your own Muse

Step into your own creative energy by becoming your own muse. We explore self love, practices, rituals, self concept, mindset work and creative practices to create sacred connection in our daily lives to cultivate a sense of ceremony; everyday.

Feminine Embodiment

What does it mean to BE in your feminine? We talk about what feminine energy is, how to access this omnipresent force, and practical actionable steps on feminine embodiment for all areas of living.

Goddess School